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By May 15, 2020No Comments

CIS425 – Midterm Exam Your Name : Your Student ID : 1 (10 points) Consider the grammar G = (T,NT,R, P ) where T = {e, f, g}, NT = {S, T, U}, R = S, and P is given as follows: S ::= e S|T T ::= f T |U U ::= g U | 1. What is L(G)? 2. Is the grammar regular, context free or context sensitive? Briefly explain your answer 3. Give a parse tree of a string belonging to the language 2 (10 points) Consider the following grammar G: E ::= E + E | E ∗ E | (E) | a | b 1. Show that the grammar is ambiguous 2. Rewrite the grammar into a non ambiguous grammar reflecting the fact that + and ∗ are right associative and ∗ has lower precedence than + 3. Briefly explain with an example the difference between a parse tree and an abstract syntax tree 3 (4 points) Draw the abstract syntax tree of the lambda expression λx.(y z w) (6 points) Lambda-calculus expressions are represented by the following datatype datatype M = Var of string | App of M*M | lam of string*M Represent the lambda-expression λx.(y z w) as a value of type M . 4 (9 points) Give all the free and bound variables in the following lambda-expressions. If a variable is bound draw a line between the variable and its definition. 1. λx.x z λy.x y 2. (λx.x z) λy.w λw.w y z x 3. λx.x y λx.y x (6 points) Define the function FV which returns the set of free variables occurring in a lambda-expression. You do not need to use ML code, define it as we did in class. FV (x) = FV (λx.M) = FV (M N) = (5 points) Explain using an example what is the variable capture problem 5 (6 points) Apply β-reduction to the following expressions as much as possible : 1. (λy.y)(λx.λz.z)w 2. (λx.x λy.y x) y 3. λx.(λy.y y) w z (2 points) Can I α-convert the expression (λx.λy.x y) y to (λx.λy.x y) z? Explain briefly why or why not. (2 points) In the expression (λx.λy.x y) y, can I rename variable x to y ? Explain briefly why or why not. 6 (10 points) Consider the following simple language E of arithmetic: E ::= num | E + E | E * E where num is any integer. We represent strings of E using a corresponding datatype: datatype E = NUM of int | PLUS of E * E | TIMES of E * E 1. Write (5 ∗ 3) + 9 as a value of type E. 2. Write a function interp that accepts as input a program of type E, interprets it, and returns the integer result. For example: – interp (PLUS (NUM 1, NUM 2)); val it = 3 : int fun interp | interp | interp 7 (10 points) Write a function foldl (also called reduce) with type: foldl: (’a * ’b -> ’b) -> ’b -> ’a list -> ’b The type (’a * ’b -> ’a) is the type of the input function (say f), ’b is the type of an initial value, and ’a list is the type of the input list. foldl(f,init,[x1,…xn]) returns f(xn,…,f(x2, f(x1,init))…) For example, we have: – fun plus (x,y) = x + y + 0 ; – foldl (plus, 0, [1,2,3,4]) ; val it = 10 : int fun foldl (f: ’a*’b->’b) (init: ’b) (l: ’a list): ’b = case l of 8 (5 points) Briefly explain what the following function is doing: fun foo l1 x = foldl (fn (hd, acc) => if hd = x then acc else hd::acc) [] l1 foo : ’a list -> ’a -> ’a list For example, what is the result of foo [“a”,”b”,”c”] “b”? (5 points) Briefly explain what the following function is doing: fun foo l1 l2 = foldl (fn (hd, acc) => if (exists l2 hd) then acc else hd::acc) [] l1 foo: ’a list -> ’a list -> ’a list assuming that function exists is defined as fun exists [] n = false | exists (x :: xs) n = if n = x then true else exists xs n For example, what is the result of foo [“a”,”b”,”c”] [“b”,”c”]? 9


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