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By May 15, 2020No Comments

CO816 – eHealth (2019-2020) Assessment 1: Essay – Report on health-focused technologies Deliverables: 1 essay (4 pages limit, font size 11pt or 12pt) Duration: Week 14 – Week 17 Deadline: 23:55 on Friday Feb 14th 2020 (Week 17) Task You are expected to write an essay about a research paper related to eHealth. There are two papers to choose from the International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA): • Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Based on Passive RFID Localization • Is photoplethysmography-derived pulse shape useful for fall detection? A link to the electronic copy of the papers is available on Moodle. In your essay you should explain: 1. Description of the contribution of the paper, in your own words – e.g., what are the authors proposing? What is the motivation for the work? 2. Discuss related work, including existing commercial applications – e.g., how the idea proposed is different to other approaches from the literature? What are the limitations of other approaches? Are there commercial application available? 3. Critical evaluation of the contribution of the paper – e.g., do you agree with the author? Is the idea interesting? Are you convinced by the solution proposed? This should be your own evaluation and you should present arguments (justification) to support your evaluation. 4. Discussion of what can be improved, which could be either related to the idea itself of the system/hardware – e.g., are there limitations that can be fixed? Can you use the same idea in a different context (hardware)? The future work section of the paper can give you an idea of what can be improved, but your discussion should not be just a repetition of the authors’ future work. Structure The essay should contain: • Content: introduction, content, conclusion, references (Harvard style) • Figures, tables are encouraged to help your explanation (if added as an appendix, they do not count towards the page limit). [Please continue to read on the next page] Marking criteria The essay contributes to 25% of the total mark of the module and it is marked out of a total of 25 marks: • Academic writing style and structure, including adequate referencing (5). • Clarity and accuracy of the description; research into existing solutions/products; quality of the critical evaluation and improvements (15). • Excellence: depth of the related work discussion, novelty of the proposal improvements (5). A more detailed marking scheme is available on Moodle. A sample of a ‘good essay’ is also available on Moodle. Submission Electronic version should be submitted via Moodle (Turnitin) before the deadline. Other forms of submission will not be accepted. Note that the submission link will not be available after the deadline, so no extensions will be granted. Plagiarism and duplication of material • Late or non submission of coursework The penalty for late or non submission of coursework is normally that a mark of zero is awarded for the missing piece of work and the final mark for the module is calculated accordingly. • Plagiarism and Duplication of Material Senate has agreed the following definition of plagiarism: “Plagiarism is the act of repeating the ideas or discoveries of another as one’s own. To copy sentences, phrases or even striking expressions without acknowledgement in a manner that may deceive the reader as to the source is plagiarism; to paraphrase in a manner that may deceive the reader is likewise plagiarism. Where such copying or close paraphrase has occurred the mere mention of the source in a bibliography will not be deemed sufficient acknowledgement; in each such instance it must be referred specifically to its source. Verbatim quotations must be directly acknowledged either in inverted commas or by indenting.” The work you submit must be your own, except where its original author is clearly referenced. We reserve the right to run checks on all submitted work in an effort to identify possible plagiarism, and take disciplinary action against anyone found to have committed plagiarism. When you use other peoples’ material, you must clearly indicate the source of the material using the Harvard style (see In addition, substantial amounts of verbatim or near verbatim cut-and-paste from web-based sources, course material and other resources will not be considered as evidence of your own understanding of the topics being examined. The School publishes an on-line Plagiarism and Collaboration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) which is available at: Work will be submitted to Turnitin for the identification of possible plagiarism. You can find out more about Turnitin at the following page:


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