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辅导案例-FOR 2020

By May 15, 2020No Comments

Computing Science Examination – Spring Semester 2020 EXAMPLE PAPER ONLY FOR 2020 CSCU9N6: Computer Games Development Date: xxx (2 hours) This paper contains THREE questions. Attempt ALL THREE questions (Total: 36 marks). All questions are worth different marks. The distribution of marks among the parts of the question is indicated. IMPORTANT NOTES THIS IS AN OPEN-BOOK EXAM AND YOU MAY CONSULT YOUR NOTES, BUT YOU MAY NOT CONSULT ANY ONLINE RESOURCE. YOU MUST COMPLETE THE EXAM UNDER EXAM CONDITIONS. YOU MUST TALK TO NO ONE AND MUST WORK ALONE. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU PROVIDE YOUR STUDENT NUMBER AT THE TOP OF EACH FILE IN YOUR SUBMISSION. INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING DECLARATION AT THE END OF YOUR SUBMISSION: “I DECLARE THAT THIS IS MY OWN WORK” DO NOT SIGN THIS DECLARATION. COMPUTING SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS 2 CSCU9N6 XX May 20xx 1. You have been tasked with developing an efficient but accurate collision detection system for a 2D game that involves an animated character catching a small ball (see diagram below). The player is able to control the motion of the character, including the angle of the hand relative to the rest of the arm. Provide the key components of a collision detection algorithm for this scenario that would ensure it was as efficient as possible while still being reasonably accurate. TOTAL MARKS FOR QUESTION 1: [10] [10] 3 CSCU9N6 XX May 20xx 2. a) You are currently developing a 3D game and would like to ensure that you provide an immersive audio experience. Part of this game involves a player character walking down a long hallway with rugs placed on the floor every so often. Given this scenario, describe an effective dynamic approach that you could use to play the sounds of the player’s footsteps as they walk down the hall, ensuring that they accurately portray the sounds that would be made if a person were really in such a hallway. Note that the path the player takes while walking down the hall will not be predictable in advance and the pace at which they walk will vary from player to player. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen approach. [8] b) Suppose another 3D game world contains many animal-like monsters that should look very realistic in close-up. But they also will appear in the middle distance and far away from the viewer during the course of the game. Describe how your would construct three different models for use when viewing such a monster at different distances from the viewer. [6] TOTAL MARKS FOR QUESTION 2: [14] 4 CSCU9N6 XX May 20xx 3. Answer the following questions about this simple 3D scene: a) What real-world effects are being modelled here to make this scene look realistic and in 3D? [4] b) What effects that you would expect to see are NOT being modelled? Why do you think this is the case? [4] c) Bounding regions are important for the efficient rendering of this scene. Explain how and why at least one bounding region will be in use for this scene. Detail other situations in which a bounding region is likely to be employed and why. TOTAL MARKS FOR QUESTION 3: [4] [12] END OF EXAMINATION


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