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By May 15, 2020No Comments

ISYS5050 – KM Systems Take Home Assessment (15%) Maximum Score : 30 marks Instructions: 1. Provide typed answers to each of the two questions below. Each answer should not exceed one-and-a-half (1 ½) typed A4 double-spaced pages and type size not less than 11. 2. This is an individual assessment and, as such, you are expected to complete your submitted work in its entirety by you without consulting anyone else including other students enrolled in this unit of study. 3. Please make sure that you follow the guidelines and University policy on plagiarism (check the week 1 lecture notes if you are not sure what the guidelines are). If you draw on particular references, please ensure that you do not cut-and-paste or copy text verbatim and provide full citations. We will check for plagiarism using Turn-it-in and other tools, both among the student submissions and external sources. 4. Your work must be submitted on Canvas before 6 pm on Wednesday, 22 April 2020. 5. Write your answers in a Word document and upload it via the dedicated section for this assessment under Assignments. Make sure you also write down your name, UniKey and Student ID in the document. Questions 1.Polanyi’s paradox refers to the idea that people can know more than what they can tell. It has been suggested that the same applies to companies and other organisations as well. In other words, a company like BHP-Billiton may actually possess more organisational knowledge than it can actually document, use, or deploy. Based on your learning so far, provide an explanation of the paradox at the organisational level. Also, assuming that this paradox is valid, provide recommendations to improve the situation. (15 marks) 2. Study the dashboard presented below carefully that provides information on coronavirus COVID- 19 cases globally which is continuously updated over time. You are required to write a review and critique of the dashboard based on your understanding of the key principles and best practices for good dashboard design. Also, suggest (and justify) changes to the design that can help improve the dashboard. (15 marks) See the live map here:


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