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By June 24, 2020No Comments

CAS CS412 PS5b: Cache Let’s extend your Mongo / Redis skills. Requirements 0. Create a new branch, PS5b. Be sure that your .gitignore file has an entry to exclude /node_modules from being pushed to github. Create a new PS5b directory to hold your work. For this assignment, you’re extending what you did in PS4, so it makes sense to branch from there. There’s no testing requirement for this assignment. 1. Refactor your Node app from PS4 to incorporate a simple redis cache. On the first call to your route, your Node app should call your third-party API, then store the result in redis before sending the response. Set the cache entry to expire after 30 seconds. 2. Refactor your response to send a JSON object back to the client instead of rendering a template. The response should include a field that indicates whether the data came from cache or not. 3. On subsequent calls for the same search string, read the value from cache if it present, otherwise go out to the API again. 4. Push your homework files to your GitHub repo. 5. Submit the GitHub repo/branch on Gradescope to complete the assignment.


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