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By September 19, 2020No Comments

COM6506 Resit Assessment Tasks There are two tasks – one on Fault Tree Analysis, and one on Metamorphic Testing. Both are evenly weighted (50 marks each). 1. Fault Tree Analysis Consider the following description of a system. An airplane manufacturer has developed a new aircraft with an advanced autopilot system. Once the pilot has entered their destination coordinates, the autopilot system will automatically pilot the aircraft to the destination. The autopilot system incorporates a weather analysis component, which downloads weather data via a satellite data link to a weather station. It runs this data through an onboard data-processing unit, which provides warnings of any potential adverse weather conditions that might affect the flight. These are passed to a route-planning component, which dynamically alters the route to avoid the adverse weather. The route-planner is connected to a GPS component and an altitude sensor so that the aircraft is able to determine its own location and altitude. It is also connected via a separate data link to the Air Traffic Control centre, to download the flight plans for any aircraft in the area, so that any flight plans avoid collisions. As a backup, the system is also connected to a radar onboard the aircraft. This is only capable of detecting other aircraft at short notice, and alerts the pilot of these via a loud buzzer, so that they can override the autopilot. (a) Use this system description to build a simple architectural diagram of the system. This can be a straightforward entity-relationship diagram, indicating all of the key components and the data or information links between them. 15 marks (b) Build a fault-tree from the architectural diagram. This should contain AND and OR-gates, and illustrate all of the faults that might arise from failures highlighted within the architectural diagram. You should limit the scope to the autopilot system as described above (specifically, faults that might arise within the hardware and software on the aircraft). 35 marks 2. Metamorphic Testing (a) Provide a description of how Metamorphic Testing works (between 200 and 300 words in length). 10 marks (b) Consider the natural logarithm function as, for example, implemented in Java: 1 Use Metamorphic Testing to devise three test sets for this function. For this you should identify three different metamorphic relations. You can use the following webpage (for example) as a starting point: In your submission, for each metamorphic relation clearly describe and justify it. For the corresponding test sets, write out 5 test cases per test set (the inputs and the expected outputs). 40 marks Submission instructions Submit your assignment as a PDF document, by 10am 1st of October. 2


Author admin

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