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ARLH 363 Research Paper Spring 2021

By May 16, 2021No Comments

Final Project: Academic Research Intensive

Research topic

Choose a building, landscape, or building type as a case study.  It should not be a building traditionally considered monumental.  It may be a building type we discuss in class, but you must analyze it in ways that differ from how it was discussed in class. I strongly encourage you to discuss with me your proposed topic prior to the submission of the paper proposal.

Write a 7 to 10-page paper in which you analyze your case study from three of the perspectives introduced in this class.  These include how the architecture shapes and is shaped by a culture’s conception of family and community, how the architecture reflects attitudes about gender, how the architecture employs structure and material, how the architecture responds to climate, etc.

In addition to a body in which you analyze your architecture from three perspectives, the paper should have an introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement and a conclusion.    


Due Sun. April 18 uploaded to Blackboard by the beginning of class:

  • One page paper proposal with:
    •  Clearly defined preliminary thesis
    •  The building type you plan to discuss and a brief description of the three perspectives you will use to analyze it
    • At least three scholarly or professional sources you plan to use in proper Chicago Style format.
    • In addition, please attach an image of the building you plan to discuss.  

Due Fri. May 21, end of day uploaded to Blackboard:

Final paper formatted in Chicago Style (footnotes/bibliography), 12 point font, double spaced, 1” margins on the top and bottom, 1.25” margins on the sides, written in an academic manner with minimal errors in grammar and punctuation.  In addition it should have:

  • Clearly defined preliminary thesis that explains what your building type is and how you will analyze it.
  • Clear organization that includes an introduction, a conclusion, and shows three methods of analysis
  • Evidence that your secondary sources and articles from class were used through the inclusion of footnotes and quotes.
  • A bibliography with at least five sources.  Additional, non-scholarly sources may be used, but they should be used with discretion and critical thought.
  • Images of the building with full labels (name of building, location, date, etc.).  These should be referred to in the paper at key points.  
  • Sample rubric is found below.

Suggested Resources

  • Use the bibliography found in the textbooks.
  • Search databases for scholarly articles and articles from architecture journals, particularly the Avery Index, JSTOR, ArtSource, and ProjectMuse.
  • Wikipedia is not an adequate source, but many Wikipedia articles now have very extensive lists of sources.
  • For books and essay collections, it may be necessary to venture outside of the holdings of SCAD Atlanta.  Emory University is a particularly excellent research library that you can access after getting a card from the librarians at SCAD Atlanta.  Books can also be ordered from Savannah and books and articles can be ordered through interlibrary loan.  However, they should be ordered as early in the quarter as possible.   
  • For extra help with any aspect of the writing process, please contact the Writers’ Studio (Room 416, ACA Library, [email protected])
Rubric: Building Type from Three Perspectives  Comments Points
ContentThe paper has a clear, thought-provoking thesis that is successfully argued in the rest of the paper and a clear conclusion summarizing that argument.The paper provides a general description of the building or building type.The paper successfully analyzes the building from three different perspectives.   _/10 _/5 __/15__15__/15 
ResearchThe paper follows the assignment in using enough scholarly journals and articles.The paper shows evidence that those sources were actually used in crafting its argument.  _/10 __/10 
Style and GrammarOrganization:  Individual paragraphs are properly structured and the paragraphs themselves are organized in a logical manner.  The paper contains an introduction and conclusion.Grammar:  The paper keeps grammar errors to a minimum.Style and formatting:  The paper is formatted properly.  The paper has a formal academic tone and avoids awkward, vague, or improper word choice.     __/7  __/7  __/7Overall: /100

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